Marriott Bonvoy Begins With You.

Consistently delivering the art of modern hospitality, gaining the trust of millions of members worldwide - that's all down to the intuition and thoughtfulness of you, our fantastic Marriott Associates and Franchise Employees who embody our brand. You know that the journey to our guests' loyalty starts before they even arrive. A name memorised. A room set to just the right temperature. A personalised touch that shows you know them. An inviting welcome that goes above and beyond. Yes, all paths begin with Marriott Bonvoy. But Marriott Bonvoy Begins With You.

Here, we're sharing real stories that have been submitted by Marriott Associates and Franchise Employees from right across EMEA hotels participating in Marriott Bonvoy, documenting amazing experiences and memories they have been able to create for our members.

Tell us how Marriott Bonvoy Begins With You, share your story below.

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